Engine 1 |

Rockland Engine 1 is a 2011 E-One Typhoon 1500gpm pump with an approximately 780 gallon water tank. E1 carries the "jaws of life" and other rescue/extrication equipment and tools as well as the standard compliment of firefighting equipment.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Engine 3 |

Rockland Engine 3:
2004 Smeal/HME, 1250 gpm pump 750 gal tank in service as Engine 3. Carries the "jaws of life" and other rescue/extrication equipment and tools as well as the standard compliment of firefighting equipment. This engine was purchased with funding from a 2003 Federal FEMA Fire Act Grant award. This grant was obtained through the hard work of members of the Rockland Firefighters IAFF Local 1602.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Engine 2 |

This rendition of Rockland Engine 2 is a 1988 GMC/FMC 1000gpm pump and 500 gallon water tank. It was formerly Whitman Engine 3/ Rescue 1. In early 2010 it was surplussed from Whitman to a junk yard and then rescued from the scrap heap for service in Rockland.

Rockland Engine 2:
As of January 2009 this engine is out of service and set to be surplused soon.
1987 Ford/E-One 1250 gpm pump former Engine 2.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Engine 4 |

Engine 4:
1988 Ford/E-One 1250 gpm pump 500 gal tank in service as Engine 4. This engine serves as a reserve and is not in front line service.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Ladder 1 |

Ladder 1:
1999 Smeal/Spartan 105' rear mount aerial ladder in service as Ladder 1.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Ambulance 1 |

Ambulance 1:
2008 AEV/Ford Ambulance in service as Ambulance 1. This Ambulance was donated to Rockland by AW Perry.
Staff Photo.
Ambulance 2 |

Ambulance 2 is a 2013 Ford E-450/AEV ambulance. It is powered by a V-10 gas engine.
This is our front line ambulance.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com

Ambulance 2:
2000 Lifeline/Ford Ambulance. This is our reserve or back up Ambulance. It is used when our front line ambulance is out of service for repairs or other service.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Forest Fire |

Our current Forest Fire is a 1986 Chevrolet M-Deluxe Miitary 4x4. It has a 125gpm pump and carries 300 gallons of water. It was surplused by the Navy and converted to a Forest Fire truck by members of the Rockland Fire Department and replaced the previous truck.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com

Forest Fire:
1986 Ford custom 250 gpm pump 200 gal. tank in service as the Forest Fire. This is our only 4 wheel drive vehicle and is sometimes used in snow storms to be able to get to calls that our other apparatus is unable to make it to. It is also used to pull our rescue boat and is our only vehicle with trailer hitch.
Photo by: Mike Boynton www.massfiretrucks.com
Page Last Updated: Oct 12, 2014 (09:55:00)